Sunday, March 12, 2006


    Man is a wanting machine, not because he want to have all. But he wants something more/better than what he has now.
    Same old day, with the same old routine. One may ask, how is possible to live like that? - so do I many a times (as on today). Thank God for nothing exciting was happening today, for if it did happen you could not have done it for God's Glory.
    My be my last sentence was hypocrisy but there is something in me that keeps hoping in His mercies to change me. I don't know, I guess I myself can't find out if I am a hypocrite or not. Guess it is because of the long years in hypocrisy.
    I have not written a negative blog yet, and this won't be one them. Cause I remember this song, which I used to sing when till I was in 5th grade or so. Yes, it is in my mind, but I want to sing it from my heart. Lord, help me I pray.
My God is so big
So strong and so mighty
That there nothing my God cannot do.

My God is *so* big
*So* strong and *so* mighty
That there *nothing* my God cannot do.

The mountains are His,
The valleys are His,
There *nothing* my God can't do.

*My* God is *so* big
*So* strong and *so* mighty
That there *nothing* my God cannot do.

(For the tune listen )
May the good God Bless you.

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