Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Bring me Home

After many days of doing things what I considered important or that which could satisfy me - I gave it all ! I have sinned.

Am I going back to God for a reason of my own? Am I being wretchedly selfish and seeking God for my own means? Well, who am I fooling - I know I am a hypocrite and serious I don't know the answers for these questions. All I ask is, "God, if it is true that I am coming to you for a reason - Change me, Break Me, Mould me". Give me grace when you heal me, that I may submit and not withhold your love for me.

It is true that I need your help, but Lord I don't want be a guy who takes liberty to sin with your mercy and grace.

Bring me Home, I long for your fellowship. I am waiting for you. Restore in me the joy of your salvation.

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