Monday, January 02, 2006

Blessing is yours, receive it!

Get up and Walk....Stretch forth your hand...Lazarus, Come out

Is Christ crazy? I can't walk....My hands are withered...and ...Lazarus, you are dead my friend.

How can you stretch forth your hand, how can you walk, and how can Lazarus come out? Trust in Jesus, in His power and grace, in His word. Take the first step, that is belief and the willingness to do God's will and God will do the rest. Imagine if these people had not done what Jesus asked them to do. They would have gone back without healing, and yes, brother Lazarus would still be in the tomb.

We can't do the things that Jesus asked of ourselves. Without Jesus saying, you can't get up and walk nor can Lazarus, come to life. Likewise, Christ has said so many things, to each one of us, who trust in Him. Ye are my disciple, ye are the temple of God.......Don't lust, forgive, don't worry... Take up the cross, deny yourself and follow me. These are thing that we can't do of ourselves, maybe thru flesh for a short though. Let us believe in the grace and power of God and say God, "I am willing. I can't do it myself, but I will all things through Christ Jesus, my Lord."

Blessing is yours, receive it!

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