Tuesday, November 01, 2005


    I was reading
Psalms 116,
an suddenly came across this beautiful verse

[Psalms 116:7 KJV]
Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.

    Where is your rest my friend? When you are
discouraged, what do you do? Go have drink or a puff of smoke, watch TV, yell at
someone, satisfy your lust or DO YOU GO TO GOD? I asked this question to myself.
The reply was obvious; "Anything but God.", said my heart.

    But when I think of his love, how I long
to be embraced by Him. Oh! How I long to lie in peace on His bosom. And always
remember, He is more worried of you than yourself.

    I remember the movie Home Alone, where in the end, the boy is
been hugged by his mother. It was a hug of comfort and relief.

    Whenever we fall, I would like all to
think of Jesus. Jesus, when He carried the cross; I believe would have fallen
under the weight of the cross. He understands all those feeling  when you
tumble and fall, when you are and fall or when the face comes to the ground. He
understands!  He had to be help by a man named Simeon. He has fall for us,
to show that He understand what it means to fall.

Let God help us!


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