Hello everybody!! Firstly I want thank all those who prayed for me
during these times. It is because of your prayers that I have come back,
to my home. I had gone astray. I thank God that He welcomed me with open
arms, just as He had done with the prodigal son.
I thank God, that He has forgiven all my iniquities and accepted me. I
praise you God and my heart is filled with Joy.
After almost a year I prayed, yes I prayed to my God – my Father. It was
wonderful!!! I was also after a year that I spoke with my brother Cyril.
I haven't spoken to any Godly person for a year. It was today that I
opened my heart to God.
All that I can say is thank You, thank You. I thank You, Jesus for dying
for me, for my sake. Thank Lord, Thank You.
I just want to share the scripture which God had spoken to me. Again, I
read the bible after a year. This is from Jonah chapters 1 and 2.
God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh, but Jonah was running away from the
presence of God. I was doing this for almost a year, running away from
the presence of God. It was because of my sins, my wretchedness, my
unbelief and my lust. There had been many situation where God was
calling me, but I had no mood or will to go to God. I was indulged in
worldly pleasures. This could have been the same reason why Jonah was
running away from God. It could been his sins, or his wretch human
sinful flesh which he compared with the Holiest of Holy God. I remember
the prodigal son. He was desperate to flee from his Fathers house.
What happened next is what love the most. It was not Jonah or the
prodigal son who took the first step to go back. But it was God
Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who came for us. Yes, we who
are just like the grains of sand in the sea shore. He sent a mighty wind
for Jonah and He allowed the prodigal son to be ruined.
Jonah was woken up, and realized his sin and was pleading for death. He
said, "Throw me into the sea". But in his heart he was praying, praying
that his God will forgive and deliver him. When the seas billowed upon
him, when the waves crashed him, he was still praying.
And God even before he had started this storm, He had prepared a fish to
swallow Jonah. Just like, how the Father was prepared for greeting His
prodigal son.
I thank God for He allowed the storm, even in my life. It was that I may
come to my senses. I praise God for he accepted me. Praise God.