Rejoice in the Lord always, and Again I say *Rejoice*.
Praise God for what I am. I thank you for making Libin Varghese. I thank you God for the family I was born in, the school i went to, the college I studied in. I praise you for the friends I have and had, espeacially for Cyril and Jon. I praise you for the relatives and all that I have met. Yes, I praise you, for all I know is before I was born, you knew me. You knew my name, my future and the places I will be. Today I am in Aztec, and I praise you for I know you had all this planned out. Nothing is happenning in which you are not in control of or planned of.
I thank you God, for being the very same God even when I fall and even I was standing. You were in control. I would like to recite just one verse and close. "All things work together for good, for those who are called who are called according to His purpose"